Trap Range
The Trap Range features a regulation trap house, regulation concrete shooting positions and covered picnic area. The trap house is equipped with a manual clay pigeon thrower and is available for member use. Members must supply their own clay pigeons.

Trap Range Rules
This is the only range you can use clay pigeons on Club property. Turn off lights, close doors and window to the trap house when finished. (Leaving the doors open invites rattlesnakes, scorpions and the like). Clean up broken clay pigeons and trash in the trap house. Pick up all shotgun hulls on the range.
Ensure the trap machine is left in the UNCOCKED position. Directions for operation are below.

Firearms Safety Rules
1. Assume every gun to be loaded.
2. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
3. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
4. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
5. Know your target and what is beyond.
6. Never point your firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy.
7. Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate.
8. Never use alcohol, over the counter, prescription or other drugs before or while shooting.
9. Alcohol and drugs are never allowed on range property.
10. NO glass targets of any kind are ever allowed anywhere on Club property.
11. NO exploding targets, Tannerite, “rubber targets” like champion duraseal for rimfire firearms, glass, appliances, TVs, etc. Do not leave anything on the range that you brought onto the property.
12. Loaded firearms are NOT allowed anywhere on Club property except the firing line. CCW holders, Law Enforcement Officers, and Range Officers are exempt.
13. Any person may call a cease fire for anything unsafe that occurs.
14. Live fire is only allowed on approved live fire ranges.